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michelson interferometer中文是什么意思

用"michelson interferometer"造句"michelson interferometer"怎么读"michelson interferometer" in a sentence


  • 迈克耳孙干涉仪
  • 迈克耳逊干涉仪
  • 迈克尔逊干涉仪
  • 迈克生干涉仪


  • It is apparent that the michelson interferometer can be used to make extremely accurate length measurements .
  • Some discuss about michelson interferometer
  • Design of a counting instrument for michelson interferometer
  • Displacement of micropositioning table combined with michelson interferometer
  • Thickness measurement of thin film for holographic plate by michelson interferometer
  • Michelson interferometer has a simple structure , and is applied earliest
  • A discussion on measurement of curvature radius of spherical mirror through michelson interferometer - newton ' s ring interference
  • Like ligo , virgo is a so - called michelson interferometer : light from a laser passes a beam splitter and travels down two perpendicular evacuated pipes
    和ligo一样, virgo基本上是一具迈克生干涉仪,来自雷射的光束通过射束分离器,然后分别循两条相互垂直的真空管道行进。
  • To test the property of isolation and elimination of tremble of holographic platform , the interference principles of michelson interferometer and mach - zehnder interferometer were discussed , and the examined methods were used to test the platform
  • The gain of the extended fiber optic hydrophone and the hydrophone array is related to the directivity of the hydrophone and the noise model used to calculate . an extended hydrophone based on the fiber optic michelson interferometer consist of four same sensing units is constructed , of which every unit is reeled on a mandrel with polymer to enhance the sensitivity
    论文在实验上完成了基于光纤迈克尔逊干涉仪结构的成组光纤水听器的光学设计和机械设计,制作了子单元间距为0 . 16m ,全长为0 . 52m的4子单元成组光纤水听器。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"michelson interferometer"造句  
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